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Jazz Composition Mini-Course!


Jazz Composition Mini-Course!

If you want to be a better improviser, you'll want to study composition!

What makes a composer a better improviser?

Well, the devil is always in the details... Taking a dive into the world of composition gives you the chance to learn more about the language of jazz, the process of creating great melodies, and why certain musical choices are more effective than others!

In this course, you'll learn to compose:

  • Traditional/Riff Blues

  • Jazz Blues

  • Rhythm Changes

  • Contrafacts

  • Original Tunes in a Songbook Style

Each lesson will help you to think more about your musical choices, your musical personality, and what you enjoy in a musical composition! I'll take you through a number of composition exercises that aim to help you to develop as both a musician and composer! Use this framework to write original tunes, dynamic new arrangements, your own solos, and more!

Lifetime access to the course, and all future updates!


Rhythm Changes Series 1 Preorders Now Available!


Rhythm Changes Series 1 Preorders Now Available!

Hi Everyone!

I’m excited to announce that preorders are now open for the brand new Rhythm Changes Series 1 Course! Watch the video to learn more, and click the button to get enrolled now! Pre-orders End March 29th, 2021!

The Rhythm Changes Series 1 Course will teach you all of the essentials around the Rhythm Changes through real-world practices! Learning tunes, learning to improvise using the tools in the melodies, and learning idiomatic jazz language 1 on 1! If you've struggled to learn or feel comfortable improvising over the Rhythm Changes, this course will be a great jump start for your journey!

Once you have completed this course, you'll be able to feel comfortable approaching the rhythm changes in any key, with a solid foundation!

What Tunes will I learn?

  • Bakin'

  • Lester Leaps In

  • Cottontail

  • Oleo

  • Anthropology

  • Rhythm-a-Ning

  • Webb City

  • Eternal Triangle

What Skills do we Cover? 

  • Tune Learning

  • Idiomatic Jazz Languge

  • Harmonic Analysis

  • Substitute/Variations on Rhythm Changes Harmony

  • Jazz Language Etudes

  • Voice Leading Etudes

  • Practice in 12 Keys!

  • Individual Challenges

  • Practice Sessions/Trading Sessions with Nick

What does the Course Include?

  • 20+ Video Lessons

  • Practice Session Videos with Nick

  • Trading Session Videos with Nick

  • PDF's of Etudes

  • All Future Updates included!

    • Transcriptions

    • Language Etudes

    • ... and more to come!



Play the long game, but plan TODAY! Promotion, Publicity, Marketing and Touring

My Post (8).jpg

So, you’ve got a great recording project together, and now you’re wondering how to make THE MOST impact. Do you want to skimp on this? Of course not, it’s your ART we are talking about here. But, the most important part of any project (in my opinion) is planning ahead to make sure you can follow up on that success! (I don’t use the motto: “Create, Connect, Repeat” for nothing!) You want your awareness to continue to thrive for years to come.

What’s the secret to garnering the media attention you deserve for your projects? Marketing. I know, it’s a dirty word within our artistic circles. With no marketing plan? You’ve almost assuredly got no marketing strategy, which means you haven’t thought about how to tell the story of you and your music, how to connect the dots between the abstract and the literal, the aural to the visual. Marketing can be broken down very simply - it’s the story we tell, how we tell those stories, and sharing ideas with people to get them interested in our product/service/ideas.

'There's no such thing as bad publicity' - Phineas T. Barnum

Publicity is essential to the success of your album on paper. It’s the reviews, the articles, the placement on lists, the writing of articles for online and print magazines, blogs, newspapers, etc. It’s garnering reviews of your project, maybe the assigning of a “star rating” for your project… Publicity is also securing appearances on radio shows, podcasts, and videos, and interviews on social media. You can rack up 2, or 10, or 15... Having them to show the “worthiness” of your project… which don’t get me wrong, is important. It’s external validation. But it’s not the end of the road, it is the beginning. I always want to know: what is it that would make this project feel successful to YOU, the artist? To me, what you DO with that publicity is just as important as being able to get it in the first place. You don’t want an industry leader to say “Whatever happened to [insert your name here]?”

That’s where I turn from the industry contacts to the audience! Without an audience, you’re dead in the water as a performer. What’s the best way to be able to guarantee that you’ll be covered in a magazine? Bring them value. How do you do that? At this time in the media landscape, that means bringing them attention and eyeballs to their articles/site. Clicks is one of the few metrics that the media has that can help determine the return on the cost of the article they wrote about you. Just think…. is it going to generate them MORE value to cover your project? Or is it just a one-way street? At different points in your career, it will be different. If you’re at the beginning, one way to hack this is to go straight to the source. Build. Your. Audience.

I know that sounds overly dramatic and simple, but the fact of the matter is, I talk with MANY artists who have absolutely no strategy for reaching out to new audiences either online or offline. Many live in a fantasy world where they will be plucked from obscurity and into the limelight. This might be true for some (there are always outliers). But the days of being a student at the trade school of Miles Davis or The Jazz Messengers, are long gone. It’s up to you to develop a consistent strategy of how to reach out to new audiences, all the time. 

So what strategies can we take to develop our audience, share the story of our artistry, and build awareness? Publicity is a part of this, getting your story out to the world, but again it’s just the beginning. We need to share your story, your art, and YOU with the world. It starts one person at a time. At this point, I advocate for Social Media channels as one of your primary ways of getting in front of new people. However, many make the mistake of just posting about things that have already happened, gigs that are coming up, and just generally random stuff. It’s important to develop a lens for your social media presence. Think about the story that you’re trying to tell, the audience you are seeking, and the type of things they want to see, hear, and read. I always push our artists to develop a content and posting strategy, one that also fits in with your beliefs, lifestyle and personality. 

Secondly - you have to develop a touring strategy. The most common story you hear of bands is years of playing crappy venues, living in a van, persevering through trials and tribulations, and really developing, on the road.  It’s no different for artists today. You have to find ways to get in front of people, and share your art. That could be in an educational setting, a speaking engagement, a jazz club, a random coffee shop, or a jazz festival... You need to have a strategy around this, too! 

Sometimes (at least I feel, and have heard) musicians aren’t willing to put in this time to develop. To build their audience. I often hear the excuse “this gig doesn’t pay enough” - but if it’s serving to build your platform as an artist? Are you willing to make that investment? Sometimes that investment is a big gamble, sometimes it’s obvious. If you have a plan and strategy in place, that will make the decision obvious to you.

If you can do anything with the extra time you might have right now, I implore you to take the time to think about and develop a strategy about the topics we’ve touched on in this article. A little bit of thought goes a long way here, and I also point out that not making these decisions for yourself is going to allow others (the industry, other musicians, audiences) to make them for you. It’s up to you to decide the direction and amplitude of your career trajectory. If thinking about all of this seems a bit overwhelming, I encourage you to reach out, and we can start a dialog around working together on this. I’m passionate about growing awareness for artists in our industry - our collective efforts help raise the tide for everyone! If you want to learn more about what my company Outside in Music and myself do for artists you can click here

In the meantime, don’t wait! Take some action steps now. Have a great week!

Outside in Music creates high impact, high value media campaigns for your project that serve to educate our artists and present your music to the best of the industry in a sustainable, professional way. We focus on developing a 360 artist development strategy, not just on getting a few reviews for your project. If you want to grow in the areas of Publicity, Marketing, Branding, and Audience Building, our campaigns are a great fit for you.


So, you're thinking about a Gap Semester (or Year?)


So, you're thinking about a Gap Semester (or Year?)

So, you're hesitant about going back to school this fall due to one of MANY reasonable situations. Whether it's health or financially driven, you might be reconsidering going back to campus this fall... But, you don't want to give up on being able to move forward with the progress you are making in your playing/career! I decided to launch a product this summer to allow you to tackle that situation head on. I'm calling it a "Gap Semester" or could even be for 2 semesters, making it a "Gap Year". Not taking a year off, but want some structure for 15 weeks this fall? This could be the ticket for your to jump-start the next phase of your artistic growth.




A challenge to play the best version of Nick Finzer's Voice Leading Etude over the great jazz standard "all the things you are" from his New Book - GET SET! 22 Etudes to study Jazz Improvisation!

We're GIVING away 3 copies of the new book just from this giveaway... those will happen here at the official GET AHEAD CHALLENGE giveaway.

and we're giving away 3 1 month subscriptions of the Virtual Studio (and PDF Copies of the new book!) for this you need to post a video of you playing Voice Leading Etude 1 (free PDF available by clicking here) on FB or IG! AND tag @nickfinzer! AND #getsetchallenge

Happy practicing!



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Cast of Characters (Nick Finzer's Hear & Now) Pre-Order 2020!

I’m VERY excited to announce the pre-order is open for the new Hear & Now album: CAST OF CHARACTERS!!!

It’s the first album of all original music since 2015! I’m excited to share this new suite of music, in a totally new format for the band playing a through-composed suite of music (but don’t worry, all the tracks are digestible on their own, one at a time 🤗)

See below for special pre-order offers, available just for the next few weeks (Ends January 28th, 2020!!!)

PreOrder an Autographed Copy of Cast of Characters

Limited Edition 3 Pack!

1 Comment

Augmented Wholetone Exercise 2.0!


Augmented Wholetone Exercise 2.0!



Black Friday Deals for 2019!

Hello All!

Welcome to the page of some of the new products I’ve added to the store especially for Black Friday 2019!!!

Some of these are for a limited time only…

to get the Black Friday Discount Codes, head to the store page, and make sure to sign up for the Newsletter there, or grab one of the free products to be eligible to receive the Black Friday Discount Codes!

New for Black Friday 2019

New 2020 Goal Setting Book & Course

Artist Brand Monetization System

Artist Brand Consulting

Lessons w/ Nick Packages

Get Ready!


Consulting Session


Consulting Session

Consulting Sessions

If you're feeling a little bit stuck with your career as a musician, or just need some advice on what might be a few next steps, or just want an audit of what you've been up to from the outside; you might want to invest in a few sessions for us to chat!

These sessions can be one off, or bought in a package. We should always plan to first start with an on-boarding session, and then you can purchase ala carte sessions, or a consulting sessions package.

So what will we talk about?

  • Your online presence

  • personal goals

  • professional goals

  • ideas of how to execute your projects

  • goal setting

  • developing new projects that will help you to establish or move forward your career.

The Packages!

Single Session - A single session to chat (45 Mins) and for Nick to answer any specific questions you might have. (Additional single sessions can be purchased after this one for follow up)

Basic Package - Looking for some actionable steps to revamp your online presence? Or figure out the next steps? This package happens in three parts. A get to know you call (30 mins), I will assess your online strategies and send you a video or voice memo with some suggestions, and then we'll follow up with a second call to answer any questions.

Bronze Package - an initial get to know you session, where we'll set goals and make plans for you to get on track with your career path, as well as a quick online audit of your social channels and website. Includes one follow up session within 60 days to reassess, and make any additional tweaks/suggestions!

Silver Package - the above, plus defining your audiences, and creating a content strategy to activate all of those audiences. In depth content strategy for all of your online/offline project. Includes initial session, full web audit, plus 3 follow up/continuations to facilitate your growing brand.

Gold Package - all of the above plus developing pillar content strategies, and helping you to execute and distribute your work! The best package for those already in motion who need some help getting over the hump! Includes the getting to know you session, the full web audit, content and audience development, plus five 45 minute check in calls.

Platinum Package - (absolute best value!) All of the above plus MONTHLY checkins and unlimited text access. Feel free to text me anytime for advice, help making decisions, etc. This is a 12 month plan, the initial session plus one 45 minute call per month. 


International Trombone Festival 2019!

Use Code ITF2019 at Check Out for 20% PDF Books! (At ITF 2019 only!!!)

Shape of the Week! Learn and MASTER Jazz Chord Symbols One Shape at a time!

Shape of the Week! Learn and MASTER Jazz Chord Symbols One Shape at a time!

Hey all! Glad you could check out the latest shapes of the week, I’ll be posting them all here as a repository for all the different shapes :)!

Have a great time shedding these, and feel free to stay in touch with questions, happy practicing!



Jazz Shape of the Week: C Minor 6 (Cm6) | Jazz Chords One Shape at a Time with Nick Finzer DOWNLOAD THE PDF! Join Nick's Online Studio: Are you SUBSCRIBED to the channel? Creating your own YouTube Channel? You should check out this tool: Are you new here?



C Half Diminished 7


C Diminished 7

it is time to think of PRIORITIZATION! | Create Connect Repeat

Today I want to talk a little bit about how I think about prioritization. Not only projects, but personally. Like when you get overwhelmed and you're doing a million different things, and you have a million expectations on you. What can we do to try to mitigate some of that and how can we figure out how to make the best out of a situation where we're feeling this stress and sense of being overwhelmed?

Maybe you're not even to the point where you're overwhelmed yet, but you just have so many things going on and you're not sure where to put your attention. This happens to me pretty frequently…

Something that I've been trying to do recently (that I am borrowing from a lot of other people that have talked about this) is trying to think about which of all the things/ all the projects/all the places where your energy is being put - if you focus on one of them, will allow you to knock down the rest of them? And by "knock down the rest of them," I mean, which one will affect the rest in a positive way? Which one will allow you to take the next steps the fastest?

For example, if you are an instrumentalist and you're working on your own music… you're working on music for other people….and you're trying to organize a whole bunch of different projects… the thing is, if you don't take care of your business (meaning yourself!), if you don't take care of your instrument, you don't take care of the basics, the fundamentals, getting better all the time, it's not going to matter, because if you don't take care of what the number one thing is (YOU) you’re going to fall behind. Whatever your major is, whatever your most important thing is - if it's your company, your business, your band, your ensemble, your chamber group, if you don't take care of that one thing, the thing you care about the most, all the rest of the stuff is going to fall away.

I'm not saying to abandon everything else, but to prioritize the things that matter to you. To prioritize the things that are going to allow you to get all the things done, by focusing your energy.

If I take care of what I need to take care of in a day to feel good, to feel like I crossed everything off my list, or at least to feel good about the things that I did (practice, take care of business at home, etc), it sets me up to be able to work on all of the external things that pop up. Taking care of yourself and thinking about yourself first can be a challenge, because a lot of people I know think about all the external expectations and get caught in a constant cycle of not be able to take care of themselves, but it really is so important. If you don’t, it leads to not being able to get done things for other people, which makes you feel even more stressed, and still not take care of the things that they need to take care of for themselves! It proliferates this downward spiral, if you will. And we don't want anyone to get there! We want everyone to break the pattern, and start to focus on what they want out of their situation.

Whatever your situation is, whatever you're working on, think about prioritizing the tasks that get you the furthest (i.e.80% of the way there) the fastest. Whatever the things are you need to do for yourself that are going to allow you to take care of everything (and everyone) else.

For me, those things are right now, working out; making sure to practice my instrument (that being the trombone); and writing music every day. If I don't take care of the basics on those fronts, there's no chance for me to be energetic enough to get all of the other projects I'm doing, all of the nonprofit stuff, all the Outside in Music stuff, all the teaching stuff that I do. There's no way, if I don't take care of myself, for me to do all that.

So, I encourage you, in this very hectic time of year, to start to think about how you're going to take care of yourself, and how you can balance everything, by prioritizing your projects.

Thanks for being here. Have an amazing Holiday Season!

- Nick Finzer

Cyber Monday 2018!